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Which Cloud Platform Is Best? VMware Cloud or Microsoft Azure

Did you know that 70% of companies rank cloud migration as a top priority? However, simply upgrading to the cloud is ...

Did you know that 70% of companies rank cloud migration as a top priority? However, simply upgrading to the cloud is not enough. Managers must also take the time to review each cloud platform and identify which option best suits their needs. VMware and Microsoft Azure are two such platforms that currently rank ahead of most of the competition. Understanding the key benefits and features of each will help you choose the right platform for your business.

What Is the VMware Cloud Platform?

cloud computing - stockVMware Cloud offers businesses the flexibility and scalability of the cloud combined with the security and reliability of on-premise IT systems. It provides a multi-cloud world that prioritizes flexibility and a hybrid environment. VMware accomplishes this by using virtualization so that its system can function on any other cloud environment, which includes Microsoft Azure.

What Is the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform?

Unlike VMware Cloud, Microsoft Azure is cloud-native. This means that this platform was built specifically for the cloud from the ground up and designed to take full advantage of cloud technology. As one of the most popular cloud platforms today, Microsoft Azure provides a diverse suite of services, including artificial intelligence, data analytics and machine learning.

How Do VMware and Azure Measure Up for Basic Specs?

When reviewing new technology for a cloud migration, you should first determine which features your business must have to function and then evaluate whether the specs of a potential product can meet your needs. Comparing the basic features of each cloud platform can help you identify dealbreakers or instances where one has a clear advantage over the other.

Data Analytics

Both VMware Cloud and Microsoft Azure provide data analytics. This feature is critical in helping businesses make sense of the data they collect so that they can improve systems. Analytics can also play a crucial role in meeting industry standards.

VMware provides a more managed process for data analytics. While the features are less extensive than Microsoft Azure, some small businesses might find this easier to handle as they ease into learning more complex processes. Azure is a better cloud platform for companies that want more control of their data analytics. Microsoft provides extensive tools so companies can dig deep into data and use it to drive growth.

Multi-Cloud Capabilities

VMware Cloud and Microsoft Azure both offer multi-cloud capabilities that allow users to move workloads easily between cloud platforms without interruption. Most companies rely on this feature to leverage the power of the many different platforms they use.

VMware's decision to prioritize multi-cloud features resulted in its decision to make it a standard offering. Smaller companies using fragmented cloud options will appreciate this feature. Azure puts less emphasis on multi-cloud capabilities, and they can be more challenging to implement. This works best for larger companies that have invested heavily in one or two cloud options.

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Zero-Trust Security

Each cloud platform is highly secure because Microsoft and VMware designed them to meet the highest industry standards. They rely on zero-trust technology to secure data from unauthorized access, but they apply this security differently.

VMware treats zero-trust as the default while providing users with more tools to fine-tune the level of security. This approach reduces the risks of vulnerabilities created by user ignorance or user error. Microsoft Azure does not strictly operate as a zero-trust platform. However, users receive comprehensive tools they can tweak to create the same effect.

Runs on Any Cloud Platform

Virtualization gives VMware an edge over Microsoft here. Its ability to run in any cloud environment could open up a world of possibilities for companies that want to maintain agility and flexibility. This is an increasingly vital advantage to maintain in the post-2020 economy.

Data Center Ownership

Microsoft is the better choice when it comes to data center ownership. It owns its data centers and cloud facilities, which makes it easier to scale up cloud resources as needed. Some IT experts suggest that ownership reduces the risk of vulnerabilities created by adding third parties. As the likelihood and cost of cyber threats increase, this might appeal more to companies focused on data security.

Should You Choose VMware Cloud or Microsoft Azure for Your Business?

Each cloud platform brings excellent features to the table, so your final choice will likely come down to the two main ways they differ. Is data center ownership more critical to your company, or is virtualization the feature you need more?

The features also correspond with company sizes in different ways. For example, VMware tends to serve small businesses better due to the features it standardizes, thus reducing the need for extensive levels of control. In contrast, Microsoft built Azure with customizability in mind, which better suits large corporations that require that level of control to meet unique and complex business needs.

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Should You Hire Professionals When Moving to a New Cloud Platform?

Most large companies have in-house IT teams that can handle the fundamental aspects of cloud migration. However, this often comes at the expense of other essential IT functions during that time. Migration specialistshave dedicated their careers to this specific task and have in-depth knowledge and experience in seamlessly completing the process, which can significantly reduce the risk of business disruptions.

Not all cloud migration specialists bring a high level of knowledge and experience to the table. Consequently, choosing the right team is as important as selecting the best cloud platform for your business. Cloudficient embraces new technology and helps companies with 5,000-plus users migrate to the cloud. We are eager to show you what our team can accomplish for your business. Contact us to get started.

With unmatched next generation migration technology, Cloudficient is revolutionizing the way businesses retire legacy systems and transform their organization into the cloud. Our business constantly remains focused on client needs and creating product offerings that match them. We provide affordable services that are scalable, fast and seamless.

If you would like to learn more about how to bring Cloudficiency to your migration project, visit our website, or contact us.

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