Office 365

6 Ways To Protect Against Malware on Windows

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise globally, and everyone must take precautions. Whether you run a small business, ...

Cybersecurity threats are on the rise globally, and everyone must take precautions. Whether you run a small business, need to protect a global enterprise or just want to keep your personal computer safe, knowing how to use Windows safely is important. The following are six ways you can protect against malware using Windows.

1. Protect Against Malware With Microsoft Defender

Depositphotos_223423832_XLNot long ago it was considered essential that you have a third-party firewall installed on your Windows computer. However, today you can very effectively protect against malware using the built-in Microsoft Defender tool. In fact, in many cases, this first-party solution is superior to most alternatives. It has the added advantage of being less disruptive as well.

In your Settings App, open the Windows Security Settings page. This lets you turn on various types of protection, including the Defender firewall. You can also configure other security settings from here and view recommendations on how to make your computer more secure. With nothing more than the features available through Windows Security Settings, you can effectively protect your computer against the bulk of cyberthreats.

2. Use the Malicious Software Removal Tool

Sometimes your best efforts may not be enough to prevent malware from getting on your system. However, this does not need to be the end. Microsoft offers a Malicious Software Removal Tool that can help you to identify and effectively remove malicious software from your computer.

In many cases, it is easier said than done to get malware such as viruses, trojans and worms off your computer. Cybercriminals put a lot of effort into ensuring that this is the case. Fortunately, the removal tool makes the process significantly easier, even if you are a computer novice.

3. Install Windows Updates

Cybersecurity experts almost unanimously agree that one of the best things you can do to protect your digital devices is to install updates regularly. Although new updates sometimes introduce new vulnerabilities, these typically pale in comparison to leaving old vulnerabilities unpatched. Microsoft and other developers regularly improve their software to make it more secure. Those updates help to remove vectors for cyberattacks.

This applies to other software as well as your operating system. For example, you should update your Office 365 apps regularly, especially if you use communication tools such as Outlook.

4. Practice Smart Computer Use

Common sense can be a useful protective barrier for your computer. You shouldn’t rely on this alone, but a little caution can go a long way. For example, you should avoid downloading software from sites that aren’t reputable distributors. Similarly, exercise caution when browsing the internet.

One of the most common vectors for cyberattacks of spam emails. These messages may be carefully disguised to look like legitimate messages. Don’t click links in emails, and avoid logging into sites unless you are certain it is the correct domain.

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5. Pay Attention to User Account Control Pop-Ups

Windows has a great tool that you can use to protect against malware: User Account Control. UAC requires you to confirm that you want to make changes to your storage drive(s) and other computer features when necessary. For example, if you try to install something, you will see a UAC prompt asking if you want to continue.

UAC basically works by not allowing your computer to do certain actions without the confirmation button being clicked. Pay attention to these pop-ups. If you weren’t trying to install something or the software name looks wrong, don’t confirm the action.

6. Avoid Using Unknown Software

In a similar vein, avoid using software from unknown sources, even if you want to install it. There are some reputable distributors that may not have registered their software with Microsoft, so a source being unknown isn’t always a problem. However, you should always take a moment to consider whether you are confident about whatever you are installing. This simple pause can make a huge difference in avoiding malware on your computer. If the software has an unknown publisher, it may be an indicator that you downloaded it from the wrong site.

Protect Against Malware Using the Microsoft Cloud

Installing local apps is a common way for malware to get on your computer. You can avoid this by making use of cloud-based solutions that require no installation. If you want to leverage the Microsoft cloud for your business, you may need to migrate your data from your legacy systems.

Cloudficient can help you successfully move from your existing infrastructure to the Microsoft Office 365 cloud. Our technologies and services make migrating simpler than ever. Contact us today to learn how we can help your business.

 With unmatched next generation migration technology, Cloudficient is revolutionizing the way businesses retire legacy systems and transform their organization into the cloud. Our business constantly remains focused on client needs and creating product offerings that match them. We provide affordable services that are scalable, fast and seamless.

If you would like to learn more about how to bring Cloudficiency to your migration project, visit our website, or contact us.

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